Build and launch a repository

Fill in the fields to see a URL for sharing your Binder.
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How it works

Enter your repository information
Provide in the above form a URL or a GitHub repository that contains Jupyter notebooks, as well as a branch, tag, or commit hash. Launch will build your Binder repository. If you specify a path to a notebook file, the notebook will be opened in your browser after building.
We build a Docker image of your repository
Binder will search for a dependency file, such as requirements.txt or environment.yml, in the repository's root directory (more details on more complex dependencies in documentation). The dependency files will be used to build a Docker image. If an image has already been built for the given repository, it will not be rebuilt. If a new commit has been made, the image will automatically be rebuilt.
Interact with your notebooks in a live environment!
A JupyterHub server will host your repository's contents. We offer you a reusable link and badge to your live repository that you can easily share with others.

read about the workflows, see the BinderHub code, ask for help with Binder for the BioImageArchive or even deploy your own